
I’m Stefanie

I am a certified Tantric Sex,
Love and Relationship Coach on
a mission to help you thrive!
My experience is learned, lived and fully embodied. The teachings that I share are focused and impactful. The experiences that I guide you through are being led from my own felt knowing.
I have an enormous amount of learning and experience to share. Ancient practices combine with modern day neuroscience to create a focused and in depth experience that you will benefit from for a lifetime.

Sex is sacred. Pleasure is your birthright. The sky is the limit!

Tantra and Sacred Sexuality is my whole world and focus. It is my work, my play, my passion and my community. I am on a fired up soul mission to help humanity to awaken to their power, their joy, their beauty and their pleasure.

I can guide you into a whole new relationship with your physical, sexual and energetic body. I can help you to radically up level your sex life, and to manifest exactly what it is that you want in the world of relating.

My favorite tools are those that are both simple and profound. We will start by defining your goals with crystal clear vision, then move both towards them and through anything that might stand in the way.

I coach online, meet for in person bodywork sessions and facilitate and produce sex and body positive events in Europe, the US and Asia.


I have studied with the best Tantra teachers in the world over three continents. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on countless trainings and in even more sessions to gain the invaluable wisdom that I have to share with you.

My Tantric Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching certification comes from The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. This is the most advanced sexual education available in the world today. It combines modern neurobiology, holistic healing, and a contemporary approach to coaching with the ancient and deeply powerful teachings of Tantra, Taoism and Sacred Sexuality. VITA stands for ‘The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach’.

I have also studied with and been part of the facilitator team of the International School of Temple Arts for five years and counting.

In addition, I have attended a wide variety of week long and weekend seminars, trainings and events to further my skills in the arena of Tantric Bodywork, Healing and Coaching.

I hold myself to excellence and I am one of the very the best in the industry worldwide.